Entering the Promised Land

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Entering the Promised Land offers an eye-opening perspective on how to turn anger and frustration into a catalyst for change and personal growth.


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Entering the Promised Land reveals how Willie Alexander’s spiritual upbringing, professional sports career and business experiences all led him to ask new questions and draw new conclusions about several biblical and historical events affecting African-Americans businessman.

Drawn from his own experiences as an African-American businessman facing the limits of working with US corporations and businesses, Alexander focuses on institutionalized economic hindrances that keep so many African-Americans in a seemingly endless underdog role.




“In the 22 years since I retired from coaching in the National Football League, this is the only book that I have read from cover to cover without putting it down once.”

O.A. “Bum” Phillips
Former NFL Head Coach, Houston Oilers

“Entering the Promised Land is an impressive work without any qualifications, first time author or otherwise. It is a fascinating journey and a compelling read.”

Charles Foster
President, Tindall & Foster, P.C.


“Willie Alexander’s life stands as vivid testament of the power of one of the book’s key messages: ‘Only you can stop you from being successful. And only you can ensure your life will reach its full purpose.’ Entering the Promised Land is a must-read for forward-minded young Americans.”

Rod Paige
Former United States Secretary of Education

“This book by Willie Alexander offers an insightful perspective to the historical and contemporary struggles faced by African Americans. It is a testament to the spiritual, emotional and intellectual challenges that African American businessmen face on a daily basis in their efforts to attain economic empowerment and freedom.”

Ricky Raven
Allstate Insurance Company


“This excellent book is a must read for anyone interested or concerned about either or both the lack of business opportunity for blacks in America and the biblical interpretation by the author. Willie Alexander should get kudos for his remarkable research and presentation of subject matter.”

Robert Mosbacher
Former United States Secretary of Commerce

“Although the author’s method of interpreting Scripture is not mine, I greatly respect the man and the underlying message of his book. I admire his passionate and spiritual commitment to help his brothers and sisters take pride in their history and seek their rightful share in the promise of America.”

Rabbi Samuel E. Karff
Author and Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beth Israel, Houston


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